The Saint Andrew Technical High School Trust was legally established by TRUST DEED on April 9, 2008, by a group of past students to maintain and advance the school for perpetuity.
- A Board of Trustee forms the Executive Body responsible for the management, administration, and operations of the TRUST. The Board shall consist of no more than eleven (11) members who are called Trustees.
- The Executive Body consist of the following:
Deputy Chairperson
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Public Relations & Communications Officer
- The authority and power to appoint the Chairperson and induct new Trustees shall be vested in the same Trustees.
- All Trustees shall acquaint themselves with the Trust Deed and complete the Fit and Proper questionnaire requested by the “The Friendly Society Act / Charities Act 2003” to ensure compliance to regulations regarding the Act.
- A Trustee Fee/Dues of $………….. shall be paid at roll call at the Annual General Meeting. This accumulation of fees would be used to offset the operational cost of the TRUST
- Trustees should not occupy executive positions in any STATHS affiliate body that would be a conflict of interest to the TRUST activities.
- At any time, a Trustee may resign in writing from being an active member of the TRUST.
General Meetings to discuss the business of the TRUST shall be held in person or virtually via the Zoom platform.
Four scheduled quarterly general meetings are held annually. Trustees are required to attend a minimum of three of the four meetings
- Extraordinary meetings may be called/held at a varying time throughout the year as the need arise.
- Failure to attend any meetings for a year shall result in the exclusion of the Trustee unless reprieve is given based on submission of a written explanation.
- A quorum of five (5) persons shall be required to convene a meeting for formal decisions.
- In the event of a “tie” on any vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote
- There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) no later than thirty (30) days after the anniversary of the last AGM.
- The AGM shall receive the consolidated accounts and Audited Financial Statement of the TRUST and pass Resolutions
- Special guests may be invited to attend the AGM, general or extraordinary meetings of the TRUST. However, they will not have the privilege to vote. These include;
I The principal or Vice Principal
II President or Vice president of an affiliate organization
III Auditor
To drive the operation and sustainability of the TRUST following committees shall be established. Meetings of these committees shall be scheduled as the need arises.
a. Investment Committee
b. Regulatory & Compliance Committee
c. Fundraising & Special Projects Committee
d. Public Relations & Communication Committee
e. Disciplinary Committee